Monday, June 29, 2009

Pirate Party or Bust?

My baby is turning two... where did the time go?

I know I promised not to go over-the-top this year. Goal is to keep it small and on budget-- but I keep finding the cutest little party favors & decor and this crap adds up! I really wanted to do a sports themed party since Khi is crazy about balls but this pirate party pack keeps calling my name. Everything about this pack is adorable... right down to the birthday boy pirate party hat ($9.99), treasure hunt invitations, pirate balloon($9.99), treasure chest pinata ($15.99) and inflatable pirate ship cooler ($29.99). What do you think? Go with the Pirate theme? Man, I haven't even bought food yet and I'm already blowing the budget! LOL.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Terrible Twos!

Urrrrgh, does anyone want a little boy? I'm giving one away for free! Just kidding ... but seriously, I'm not ready for this phase where he's stating his independence and telling me NO. Who is this kid? What happened to my sweet 1 yr old?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sequoia's 2009

Khi and I enjoyed a summer evening down at the waterfront in DC. We had dinner with Maya and made some new friends. Khi really enjoyed people watching and was fascinated by the motorcycles and watching this really pretty Asian woman with big calves ride her bike. Check out the short but sweet video below of him riding circles around me. (click on the image below)

From Sequoias