Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sleep Like a Baby (yea, right!)

Now whoever came up with this expression "sleep like a baby" must not have ever had any kids (smirk). Don't they know that babies don't sleep?? Correction, they sleep alright... more like 2-3 hour intervals. Don't get me wrong, Mekhi is very good about taking his naps and going to sleep on schedule at night... the only problem is, he wakes up several times during the night... that joker won't stay sleep. Not cool Mekhi! Recently (with the encouragement of his doctor and several mom friends) I tried the cry-it-out method. Everyone said that it would be harder for me than it would be for Mekhi. Well, I was told that it would be hard for me to hear him cry and not run to his rescue. I was convinced that it was perfectly fine for him to cry for a few minutes... even if it was 20mins or so. If that's the case, this would be a piece of cake. Promptly at 8:30pm, I tucked him in, kissed him good night and whispered "good night, sleep tight and this will be the last time you see me until the morning".

Mekhi woke up at 11pm (cried for 20mins, just when I was about to give in, he went back to sleep)... I'm thinking that's not so bad.. this will be easy. Mekhi woke up again at 2am (cried for 15 mins and went back to sleep. Finally, he woke up at 6am. We both suffered long enough ... so, I gave in to his hunger cries and my engorged breasts. Eventually, he'll get the picture and sleep through the night. I'll keep you posted on how this works out for the both of us.


Kristine said...
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Kristine said...

don't you love those engorged breasts?! that's great that you've made it this long nursing. I want to see hime again, and have you meet my new one...someday!

ps-- I made a spelling mistake on my last entry so I had to delete it since I'm anal! :)

Anonymous said...

Girl, a little 'tussin will take care of all that. LOL You know I'm playing.

Hopefully Mekhi will get the hang of it. But he's also a big, growing boy with I'd imagine an appetite to match. Sounds to me like he's been doing better (one week and counting), so let's hope he keeps it up.